Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Wonderful Birthday Surprise

I just returned from my run around Hồ Hoàn Kiếm Lake and had to blog this. Literally just as I was about to leave the hotel I had a knock on my door. I opened it and to my shock the hotel staff was holding a cake with candles singing me Happy Birthday! I usually try to keep my B-day on the down low so I was flabbergasted and stood there with my mouth hanging open through the whole song. The staff at the Rising Dragon Grant Hotel (24 Hang Ga Street, Old Quarter, Hanoi) is the best hotel staff I have ever experienced. They are so friendly, kind and helpful. We [The Fulbrighters] love them so much that they are extended Fulbright family. We had a party with them last week and went to karaoke afterwards. I am going to miss these bright faces in Cao Linh. I have to run and get ready to head to the Opera House. About 6 of us are catching Beethoven and Brahms tonight followed by some vino afterwards. Then it's on to cake! Thank Staff of the Rising Dragon. You guys rock!
So Cool. BTW I love the swine. Plus he's practicing good sun safety!

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