Thursday, May 23, 2013

Page of Cảm Ờn

More then ten months ago this blog was launched and before the first post was up I wrote and published a Page of Thanks, acknowledging and thanking all the advisors, professors, family and friends who had gotten to the point of disembarkation for my Fulbright. Thus it’s only fitting that on my last day as a teacher at Dong Thap Community College I publish my Page of Cm n thanking those Vietnamese teachers, hosts and friends who got me through my Fulbright.

So please go to the top right of this page and click on the newly added Page of Cm n, or click here. You will find the speech I gave today before the college thanking those who impacted my time here.

This is the penultimate Vietnam based blog post.

The curtain is quickly falling upon my Fulbright and I can hear the orchestra getting ready for my swan sang. And here I thought my Fulbright would be tough – turns out saying goodbye (especially to my students) is near impossible.

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